Friday, November 09, 2007


Today was thrifting day. Every Friday my Jaybird is at school and my Toot is at a homeschool co-op. It's just Lydie and me. So off we go to see what deals are awaiting us. It is so much fun! Today, Lydie actually stayed home with Daddy because he took a day off of work, and I went out alone. This ebay selling is so exciting so far! I guess this fun will wear off with time. But I love the challenge of finding a good deal. As uncomfortable as it can be, I am learning to love a good haggle. Today was my best haggling yet. Here's what happened.
I found this lovely chandelier at the back of a sweet's lady sale. She claims that it is Pottery Barn and asked $15. I haggled her, albeit politely, down to $10. I was quite pleased with my purchase. But even more so when I asked her about shades and she ran in and brought me these black and cream toile, free of charge! As I was about to leave she saw me looking at this sweet little rocking chair.Funny, I actually have been wanting one for the baby. She loves to rock. And I had wondered if God could just drop one out of the sky. Lo and behold, He did! She insisted that I take the rocking chair for free. I left there one happy, thrifty Mommy. After a few Gymboree sweaters, Pottery Barn curtain rods, a Gymboree dress, a pitcher and some sewing material (and a belly full of coffee) I found my $20 gone and my car full. So much fun!


Hyperactive Lu said...

Love your deals! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! beautiful stuff. Love those deals!

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

You go girl!! Way to shop and not spend a lot!! How's ebay going??